For the 5th consecutive year, Varna University of Management has received an exceptional recognition from Eduniversal Best Masters – a global ranking specialized in higher education.

VUM’s postgraduate programmes have been ranked in leading positions among 1000 Best Business Schools in 154 countries in 9 geographical zones.

The Msc International Hospitality and Tourism Management programme of VUM is ranked 14th worldwide in the Tourism Management field, and the MBA Programme of VUM goes up to 4th place in Central and Eastern Europe for full-time MBA programmes. In this years’s classification, both programmes haven been ranked 1 position higher compared to their 2019 results at Eduniversal Best Masters.

Our MBA programme ranks above top universities in Poland, the Czech Republic, Croatia and Hungary, and our MSc Hospitality and Tourism Management programme is ahead of those of leading British and American universities. Varn University of Management is the only Bulgarian institution included in the ranking of Eduniversal Best Masters.

The Eduniversal Best Masters Ranking offers a detailed assessment of Masters and MBA programmes globally. Designed to help prospective students to discover the best options for their graduate studies, Eduniversal Best Masters Ranking is the only platform that assesses individual master courses worldwide across 50 different fields of study. More than 20,000 postgraduate programs offered by the 1 000 best universities across the world are being evaluated every year.

The annual survey involves representatives from the best academic institutions in the globe, as well 5,000 international recruiters and 100,000 current graduating or recently graduated students from the monitored programmes, which turns the Eduniversal ranking into a real, objective and useful source of information, most commonly used by prospective students and companies to identify the quality of a school, but also of a programme and its graduates. The Euniversal Best Masters ranking is available at the website of Eduniversal Best Masters.

The prestigious positions of the VUM master programmes in the Eduniversal Best Masters ranking are a good recognition of the high quality of education we maintain, the professionalism of the academic staff and the innovative learning approach at Varna University of Management.

Varna University of Management (VUM) is the only educational institution in Bulgaria offering a British MBA program entirely delivered in Bulgaria. We offer one of the very few opportunities to study international management in a real international environment.

The University is also proud with more than 20 years of tradition to train and develop leaders in the field of tourism and hospitality. VUM`s graduates from the Master of International Hospitality and Tourism Management Programme become managers, leaders, and entrepreneurs within all the sectors of the hospitality and tourism industry in different parts of the world.

Both Programmes are fully delivered in English and lead to the award of two degrees – one from VUM and a second one from our strategic academic partner Cardiff Metropolitan University in the UK.

By Admin