
Varna University of Management is accredited by the Bulgarian National Evaluation and Accreditation Agency.

Rankings and accreditation

Orientation to a university with proven achievements in a given scientific field and enjoying high recognition in the respective region is essential when choosing an educational institution. VUM is the best university in its field in the region.

International ratings

No.1 in the world for student mobility

The independent international ranking system U-Multirank compares over 1700 institutions around the globe. VUM was ranked No 1 worldwide in terms of student mobility for three consequtive years.

No. 12 in the world Master programme in Tourism Management

The MSc International Hospitality and Tourism Management programme of VUM is ranked No.12 globally by the Eduniversal Best Masters ranking.

No. 4 Eastern Europe full-time MBA Programme

In 2024, VUM MBA programme is in Top 5 for Eastern Europe by the Eduniversal Best Masters ranking system.

General Management Programme in Eastern Europe

The regional ranking of places VUM MBA programme under No.9 for General Management programme in Eastern Europe.

QS University Rankings EECA 2022 ranked

Among the top 300 universities in the Emerging Europe and Central Asia region.

Academic Ranking of World Universities

Varna University of Management is ranked TOP 300 in the”Hospitality and Tourism Management” category of the Academic Ranking of World Universities (Shanghai ranking) for 2022.

Among the top 300 business schools in the world

Based on the number of publications by faculty and students of VUM.

Bulgarian ratings

“Rating of Bulgarian higher education institution” – Ministry of Education and Science

2nd place in Professional Field 3.9 “Tourism”

Recognition of our high standards and commitment to the development of personnel to meet modern needs in tourism. Our programs in this area are distinguished by their international scope and emphasis on sustainability, innovation and practical skills.

3rd place in Professional Field 3.7 “Administration and Management”

A result that reflects our strength in training competent and adaptable specialists in the field of management and business. Our programs in this field encourage students to develop analytical and strategic thinking, which is key to success in the modern business environment.

4th place in Professional Field 3.8 “Economics”

This ranking shows our established place among the leading economics faculties, where the focus is on the acquisition of knowledge and skills necessary for successful development in the global economic environment.