All lecturers at Varna University of Management actively support, encourage and develop scientific research activities in the following areas:
- Organization of an annual International Scientific Research Conference
- Organization and participation in youth events with the partaking of prominent scientist from the European academic community
- The release of the first Bulgarian scientific magazine “European Journal of Tourism Research” for scientific research in the field of tourism
- The release of Journal of Pedagogy and Educational Management
- The release of VUM Management Review
- The development of a Bulgarian-Romanian center for sustainable development of tourism
- The development of software packages and educational handbooks
- There are a number of research projects, developed by the academic staff at VUM, and the students are encouraged to actively participate in them. The Bulgarian University Ranking System gives high rating to VUM for its Students’ participation in scientific research in the fields of Tourism, Economics and Business Administration.
Our lecturers and students have numerous publications in global scientific databases, such as Social Science Research Network – SSRN, ResearchGate and Publons. Last year 4 thesis of VUM student were indexed for publishing in Scopus Journals. Furthermore, our students have access to different databases, such as EBSCO, including its two new “Academic Search Ultimate” and “Business Source Ultimate”.
If you wish to receive more information, please contact Prof. Stanislav Ivanov, Vice Rector (Research) VUM