Acquiring a university degree from an internationally renowned business school can pose financial challenges for highly ambitious, determined, and talented individuals aspiring to join the program. At Varna University of Management (VUM), we strongly believe in fostering motivation and the drive for personal growth.
To address these concerns, we strive to maintain reasonable tuition fees. Moreover, we have established various avenues for financial assistance, including scholarships specifically designed for newly enrolled students, scholarships awarded for outstanding academic performance, as well as scholarships acknowledging achievements in extracurricular activities and sports.
Tuition Fee Bachelor’s Programme
*with English language training
1500 € per semester for EU and EEA citizens
1950 € per semester for non EU and EEA citizens
750 € per semester for EU and EEA citizens
1500 € per semester for non EU and EEA citizens
1500 € per semester for EU and EEA citizens
1950 € per semester for non EU and EEA citizens
Tuition Fee MBA Programme
*For semesters 1, 2 and 3
1500 € per semester for EU and EEA citizens
1950 € per semester for non EU and EEA citizens
900 €
1500 € per semester for EU and EEA citizens
1950 € per semester for non EU and EEA citizens
900 € per semester
100 €
– Bachelor’s 200 €
– Master’s 250 €
50 €
50 € per semester for EU and EEA citizens
450 € per semester for non EU and EEA citizens
450 € per semester (for the last two semesters)
Newly enrolled students on a Bachelor’s degree program are eligible to apply for a scholarship for the first academic year of their education in English language programs.
After the first academic year, all the students, who have successfully passed their exams during the examination sessions as per the approved exam schedule for the respective academic year by the start of the due academic year, are eligible for an Academic Performance Scholarship (merit-based). This scholarship is calculated based on the exam results from the previous two semesters.
The students on the “Hospitality and Culinary Arts” and “Gastronomy and Culinary Arts” programs who have successfully passed their exams within the examination sessions as per the approved exam schedule for the respective academic year by the start of the due academic year are eligible for an Academic performance scholarship as of the third year of their studies.
Every newly enrolled Master’s degree student is eligible to apply for a scholarship during the admission process.
In compliance with Bulgarian laws, certain criteria must be met by students seeking to apply for a state-guaranteed loan. These requirements include:
The state-guaranteed loan offers several advantages as it enables students to finance their tuition fees and even meet their daily expenses. This loan option comes with a significantly low interest rate, which is legally capped at a maximum of 7 percent.
No guarantees (guarantors, real estate or permanent income) are required for a student loan, as this is a government guaranteed loan. Interest is paid only on the amount actually spent, and not on the amount of the loan initially approved by the bank.
A one-year grace period is given after the official graduation of the student, after which the amount due must be paid within 10 years in equal monthly installments.