programming code

programming codeVarna University of Management (VUM) presents a special contest for students who know programming or are interested in it. By participating you will have the unique chance to qualify for one of the most popular software competitions in the world – the ACM-ICPC in the USA next year. The purpose of the project is to engage students (from high school and Bachelor degree) for the realization of their abilities in the programming sphere in Bulgaria.

The Three Stages Of The Programming Competition at VUM:

Stage 1 – Individual Programming Contest is going to be on November 26, 2016. Students should be familiar at least with one of the following software languages: C#, Java, PHP or Python. The winners of Stage 1 will receive numerous awards, job offers and prestigious diploma by VUM.

Stage 2 – Group Contest Preparation for the World Finals ACM – ICPC is going to happen in the beginning of February 2017. At this stage, the participants who had been selected from the previous stage will continue the competition in groups (three students in each group). VUM will select at least two teams, which will take part in the preliminary competition of the World Finals in programming ACM – ICPC.

Stage 3 – South Eastern European Region Qualifications After we have selected a winning team, the contestants will have to pass the South Eastern European Region competition in October 2017 in order to qualify to the ACM-ICPC World Finals in the USA. The contest for our region will take place in Romania. You can learn more about the competition that took place there in 2016 on

The project is supported by Sirma, Microsoft Poland, Taxback International, MusalaSoft, Flat Rock Technology and MentorMate IT companies and by Varna Municipality.
VUM have done another event in programming in May 2016, and the winner was Dimitar Vladimirov with the award of 1000BGN and a job offer.

APPLY NOW for the contest:

Study Software Systems And Technologies at VUM

The VUM Bachelor program in Software Systems and Technologies is a chance for every student to collect the necessary knowledge for the beginning of a career as a professional software engineer and developer. The graduates will receive a Bulgarian Professional/Academic Bachelor Degree in “Software Systems and Technologies”, issued by Varna University of Management. It’s a great opportunity to gain the knowledge and practice needed for the start of your successful career path.
If you are a student and want to make a career in computer engineering don’t miss this chance.

Hope to see you at Varna University of Management soon!

By Admin