prof. Radev, VUM's president visiting universities in Brazil

prof. Radev, VUM's president visiting universities in BrazilA team of Varna University of Management, led by the president of VUM, prof. Todor Radev, PhD, were on a tour of Brazil last month. The occasion of Prof. Radev’s and our Director of International Cooperation’s visit was the project for International Credit Mobility, part of the Erasmus+ programme. Varna University of Management and the Brazilian Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná (PUCPR) are working in cooperation in this project.
PUCPR is a Catholic university, located in Curitiba, Southern Brazil. It has five campuses which host more than 30 thousand students, who are enrolled in 66 Bachelor’s and 24 Master’s courses.
During the visit, prof. Radev had a meeting with the director of the Office of International Relations of PUCPR, Marcelo Tavora Mira, PhD, in the course of which they discussed the future cooperation of the two universities. While there, VUM’s president also taught guest lectures on leadership. We are also glad that in the following semester Varna University of Management will welcome a student from PUCPR on an international mobility programme.
VUM’s team also visited the Universidade Paulista (UNIP). This is Brazil’s largest private university. It has close to 300 thousand enrolled students in 27 campuses. This vast higher education institution offers a huge variety of programmes and courses in modern facilities. However, UNIP operates mainly as a Business school and just like VUM the lectures are held outside of work hours, so that the students may have full-time jobs and internships. The classes are in the mornings till 9 am and in the evenings after 6 pm.

By Admin