Violina Racheva

Teacher of specialties


📜 Management
📜 Entrepreneurship
📜 International Business Management
📜 Strategic management






Ratcheva, V. (2009), „Integrating Diverse Knowledge through Boundary Spanning Processes – The Case of Multidisciplinary Project Teams“, International Journal of Project Management Vol, 27, No. 3, p. 206-215.
Ratcheva, V. (2008), „The Knowledge Advantage of Virtual Teams“, Journal of General Management, Vol. 33, No. 4.
Huggins, R., Demirbag, M. & Ratcheva, V. (2007), „Global Knowledge and R&D Foreign Direct Investment Flows: Recent Patterns in Asia Pacific, Europe and North America“, International Review of Applied Economics, Vol. 21, No. 3.
Ratcheva, V. (2006), „Creating Synergetic Knowledge in Virtual Partnerships“, International Journal of Learning and Intellectual Capital, Vol. 2, No. 4
Ratcheva, V. (2005), „Bridging Diversity Across Time and Space – The case of Multidisciplinary Virtual Teams“, International Journal of Management Concepts and Philosophy, Forthcoming.
Ratcheva, V., (2003), „Enabling Process of Sharing Knowledge in Virtual Business Relationships“, International Journal of Internet and Enterprise Management, Special issue on „Organising Knowledge“, Vol. 1, No.4.
Ratcheva, V. & Binks, M., (2002), „Developing Collective Knowledge in Geographically Distributed Teams“, International Journal of Networking and Virtual Organisations, Vol.1, No 2, 2003.
Ratcheva, V., (2001), „Exploring Team Formation Processes in Virtual Partnerships“, International Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management Vol. 12, No. 7, pp. 512-524.
Ratcheva, V., (2001), „The Challenges of Virtual Partnerships – Critical Success Factors in the Formation of Inter-Organisational Teams“, Artificial Intelligence and Society, Vol. 15, January, pp. 99-116.
Ratcheva, V. & Vyakarnam, S., (2000), „A holistic Approach to Virtual Entrepreneurial Team Formation,“ International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Vol. 1, No. 3.
Ratcheva, V., (2005), „Exploring Diversity in Multidisciplinary Teams“, In Integration of Information and Communication Technologies in Smart Organisations, Ed. I. Mezgar, IGP, Sage Publications.
Ratcheva, V., (2003), „Communicated Knowledge in Electronically Enabled Business Interactions“, In Knowledge Management: Current Issues and Challenges“, Ed. E. Coanes, IRM Press, Sage Publications, London, UK, pp. 226 – 238.
Ratcheva, V., (2003), „Connecting Diverse Knowledge Across Time and Space – The Case of Virtual Teams“, In „Concurrent Engineering: Enhanced Interoperable Systems“, Eds. R. Jardim-Concalves, J. Cha and A. Steiger-Garcao, Swets & Zeitlinger, The Netherlands.
Ratcheva, V., (2002), „A Dynamic Perspective on Knowledge Creation in Virtual Teams – In a Search for New Insights“, In Knowledge and Information Technology Management: Human and Social Perspectives, Ed. A. Gunasekaran, Idea Group Publishing, Hershey, PA, USA, pp. 145 – 168.
Ratcheva, V., Vyakarnam, S., (2001), „Building Virtual Relationships in Distributed Organisational Environment“, In Knowledge Management and Business Model Innovation, Ed. Y. Malhotra, Idea Group Publishing, Hershey, PA, USA, pp. 170 – 201.


Ratcheva, V., Demirbag Demirbag, M. and Ratcheva, V. (2007), „Patterns of Knowledge Flows in a Multinational Context“, American Academy of Management Annual Conference, August 2007, Philadelphia, USA
Ratcheva, V. (2007), „Virtual Teams as Temporary Project Organisations – Exploring Temporality and Knowledge Discontinuity“, 11th Workshop on Teamworking, September 2007.
Demirbag , M., Ratcheva, V. and Huggins, R. (2006), „Global Knowledge and R&D Foreign Direct Investment Flows: Recent Patterns in Asia pacific, Europe and North America“, Academy of International Business Conference – UK Chapter, Manchester, March 2006.
Ratcheva, V. (2004), „“Bringing Together Different Space, Time and Cultures in Distributed Multidisciplinary Teams“, International conference on Organisational Knowledge, Learning and Capabilities, Austria, 1 – 4 April, 2004.
Ratcheva, V. (2003), „Enabling Processes for Bridging Knowledge Diversity in Distributed Multidisciplinary Teams“, American Academy of Management Annual Conference, Seattle, USA, 1 – 6 August 2003.
Ratcheva, V. (2003), „Integrating Diverse Knowledge in Different Space and Time „, International Information Resource Management Conference, Philadelphia, USA, 17-21 May 2003.
Ratcheva, V., (2002), „Enabling Knowledge Creation in Electronic Business Space“, International Information Resource Management Conference (Best Paper Award), Seattle, USA, 19-22 May 2002.
Ratcheva, V., Binks, M., (2002), „Knowledge Dynamics in Multidisciplinary Teams“, European Academy of Management Conference, Stockholm, 9-11 May 2002.
Ratcheva, V., (2001), „Knowledge Creating Interaction Processes in Distant Relationships – The Case of Virtual Teams“, British Academy of Management Conference, Cardiff, September 2001.
Ratcheva, V., Vyakarnam, S., (1999), „Inter-Organisational Interaction Patterns in Virtual Business Settings“, IMP Group 15th Annual Conference, Dublin, Ireland, September 1999.
Ratcheva, V., (1999), „Formation of Virtual Entrepreneurial Teams – Future Communication and Information Challenges“, 44th ICSB World Conference, Naples, Italy, 20 – 23 June 1999.


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