The International Forum to Support Entrepreneurship and Employment in Tourism started at Varna University of Management today. The fair is focused on the hospitality sector on the Balkan-Mediterranean area. Some of the discussed topics include sustainability and viability of the business, qualification and employment of young people in the management and innovation of the hospitality sector.

The seminar will continue for two days (19th and 20th June) and its agenda combines lectures, demonstrations and exhibition sessions. In the morning hours will be discussed important aspects of the sector’s development, the role of young people for the revival of business, the opportunities for getting qualification and overcoming the shortage of employees. During the first module Assis. Miroslava Dimitrova, PhD, from Varna University of Management presented the role of hospitality in defining the economic profile and the business sectors in the Balkan-Mediterranean area. Another interesting presentation was given by Mr. Mladen Kostov from the Bulgarian Startup Association, which was on the topic ‘’Entrepreneurship, innovation, Talent: The role of young people in building a new business environment”. Then followed a presentation by Mrs. Genoveva Drumeva, Manager of ‘DIC – Dobrich’, who introduced the audience to the opportunities for European funding and support for the hospitality business.

In the early afternoon, Bulgarian entrepreneurs shared their experience from real practice and challenges faced on their way to creating and implementing new products and services in the sphere of tourism – mobile apps, culinary events and festivals, attractions and others. Moderators during the first day are Mrs. Antonia Boikova from ILoveBulgaria, who presented ‘New Technologies in Destination Marketing’ and Mr. Nikolay Todorov, founder of the Street Food and Art festival.

With demonstrations of innovative techniques in the food and beverages preparation will be opened the two-hour session for presentations of business ideas, career development and employment in the Balkan-Mediterranean area. Today’s culinary demonstration is on the topic ‘Show cooking and organization of culinary events: Attracting tourists through food presentation’ and will be presented by Chef Hugues Boutin – Program Director of the Culinary Arts institute at Varna University of Management. Jobseekers in tourism and hospitality professions will have the opportunity to get informed about vacancies and to make direct contact with employers.

The second day of the event will emphasize on the Qualification and Employment trends in the Balkan-Mediterranean area. Among the lectures in the morning will be Mrs. Miglena Kirova from Avangard Personal Consulting, Ltd. Assis. Peter Petrov, PhD from the University of Economics, Varna, Mr. Tihomir Patarinski from the Tourism Informational Center, Varna and Mr. Roman Georgiev from Historic Park JSC. The lecturers Boriana Umnikova, PhD and Violeta Naidenova will fill in the panel during the afternoon. After them follows the student in the ‘Catering’ specialty of the Professional School of Tourism, Varna – Peter Petkov. He is going to demonstrate new techniques in bartending.

The event is of an international character – among the visitors and exhibitors, there are young people and representatives of the business and the educational institutions coming from Albania, Greece and Northern Macedonia.

This event is part of `Entrepreneurial Learning Exchange Initiative for Sustainable Hospitality SMEs in the Balkan-Mediterranean Region` (HELIX) project, which is funded by Interreg V-A Balkan-Mediterranean Programme.

By Admin