
Проф. д-р Станислав Иванов

Преподавател по:


📜 Research & Statistics
📜 Operations Management
📜 THE Industries in Context
📜Research methods
📜 Robonomics

Personal site:



🎓 Doctor of Economics of Tourism, University of Economics – Varna, Bulgaria, 2005
🎓 Master’s degree in Tourism, University of Economics – Varna, Bulgaria, 2001
🎓 Bachelor’s degree in Finance, University of Economics – Varna, Bulgaria, 2001
🎓 Bachelor’s degree in International Tourism, University of Economics – Varna, Bulgaria, 2000

Positions held:

✔️ Vice Rector, Research, Varna University of Management (formerly International College – Albena), Bulgaria
✔️ Professor, Varna University of Management (formerly International College – Albena), Bulgaria, 2014
✔️ Associate Professor, Varna University of Management (formerly International College – Albena), Bulgaria, 2011
✔️ Assistant Professor, Varna University of Management (formerly International College – Albena), Bulgaria, 2006
✔️ Senior Assistant, Varna University of Management (formerly International College – Albena), Bulgaria, 2005

Google Scholar citations

Research field

Authored books:

  1. Ivanov, S. (2014). Hotel revenue management – from theory to practice. Varna: Zangador. Available at SSRN: Google Books URL:
  1. Иванов, Ст., В. Жечев (2011) Маркетинг в хотелиерството. Варна: Зангадор. Google Books URL:

English: Ivanov, S., Zhechev, V. (2011). Hotel marketing. Varna: Zangador. Google Books URL:

  1. Иванов, С., Т. Дянков (2008) Ръководство за разработване на конкурентоспособни туристически продукти в Еврорегион Долен Дунав. Висше Училище Международен Колеж, Добрич, ISBN 978-954-635-001-5. SSRN URL:

English: Ivanov, S., Dyankov, T. (2008). Manual for developing competitive tourist products in Euroregion Lower Danube. Dobrich: International University College. SSRN URL:


Editted books/monographs:

  1. Ivanova, M., Ivanov, S., Magnini, V. (2016). Routledge Handbook of Hotel Chain Management. London: Routledge.
  2. Leigh, J., C. Webster and S. Ivanov (eds.) (2012) Future Tourism: Political, Social and Economic Challenges, London: Routledge


Chapters in research monographs:

  1. Ivanov, S., Ivanova, M. & Iankova, K. (2017). Sustainable tourism practices – mountain vs. non-mountain accommodation establishments in Bulgaria. In H. Pechlaner, P. Keller, S. Pichler and K. Weiermair (Eds.) Changing paradigms in sustaintable mountain tourism research. Berlin: Erich Schmidt Verlag (pp. 73-90).
  1. Handayani, B., Ivanov, S. and Korstanje, M. E. (2017). Smart Tourism for Dark Sites: The Sacred Site of the Dead, Trunyan Cemetery. In Korstanje, M. E. and Handayani, B. (Eds.) Gazing at Death: Dark Tourism as an Emergent Horizon of Research. Nova Science Publishers (pp. 15-42). SSRN URL:
  1. Ivanov, S. (2017) Mass tourism in Bulgaria: The Force awakens. In David Harrison and Richard Sharpley (Eds). Mass tourism in a small world. Wallingford: CABI, (pp. 168-180). SSRN URL:
  1. Ivanov, S. and Ivanova, M. (2017). Conceptualising Transnational Hotel Chain Penetration in Bulgaria. In Derek Hall (Ed.) Tourism and Geopolitics. Wallingford: CABI, pp. 127-141. SSRN URL:
  1. Ivanov, S. (2016). Economic and marketing fundamentals of hotel chains. In Ivanova, M., Ivanov, S., Magnini, V. (eds.) (2016). Routledge Handbook of Hotel Chain Management. London: Routledge (pp. 19-26). SSRN URL:
  1. Ivanov, S., Ivanova, M. (2016). The choice of type of affiliation to a chain by the individual hotel. In Ivanova, M., Ivanov, S., Magnini, V. (eds.) (2016). Routledge Handbook of Hotel Chain Management. London: Routledge (pp. 395-405). SSRN URL:
  1. Ivanova, M., Ivanov, S. (2016). Hotel chains conceptual models. In Ivanova, M., Ivanov, S., Magnini, V. (eds.) (2016). Routledge Handbook of Hotel Chain Management. London: Routledge (pp. 69-82). SSRN URL:
  1. Ivanov, S. (2015). Bulgaria, tourism. In Jafar Jafari, Honggen Xiao (Eds.) Encyclopaedia of tourism. Springer. . SSRN URL:
  1. Ivanov, S., M. Dimitrova (2014) Managing Tourism in Bulgaria: between ‘Mission Impossible’ and New Hope. In C. Costa, E. Panyik & D. Buhalis (eds.). European Tourism Planning and Organisation Systems. Vol.II. National case studies. Channelview Publications, pp. 87-105. Available also online as SSRN Working paper 1599611 “Tourism Management and Planning in Bulgaria” at:
  1. Ivanov, S. Webster, C. and Mladenovic, A. (2014) The Microchipped Tourist: Implications for European Tourism. In A. Postma, J. Oskam and I. Yeoman (Eds.) The Future of European Tourism.  Stenden University of Applied Sciences. Pp. 86-106. SSRN URL:
  1. Webster, C., Ivanov, S. (2014). Tourism as a Force for Political Stability. In Wohlmuther and W. Wintersteiner (Eds.) The International Handbook on Tourism and Peace, Drava Verlag. pp. 167-180. SSRN URL:
  1. Webster, C., S. Ivanov (2012) The political economy of tourism in the future. In Leigh, J., C. Webster and S. Ivanov (eds.) Future Tourism: Political, Social and Economic Challenges, London: Routledge, pp. 21-34. SSRN Working paper:
  1. Webster, C., S. Ivanov, S. Illum (2011) The paradigms of political economy and tourism policy: National tourism organizations and state policy. In Mosedale, J. (ed.) Political economy of tourism. A critical perspective. London: Routledge, pp. 55-73. SSRN URL:
  1. Ekiz, E., K, Hussain, S, Ivanov (2010) Investigating marketing opportunities of a politically challenged island destination: the case of North Cyprus. In Acolla Lewis-Cameron & Sherma Roberts (eds.) Marketing island destinations: concepts and cases. Oxford: Butterworth Heinemann. 65-78. Available at SSRN:
  1. Иванов, Ст. (2005) Ефективност на туризма в създаването на работни места и доходи в България. “Българският туризъм – управление и ефективност”, издателство “Славена”, Варна, 2005 г., стр. 94-111, ISBN 954-579-503-4. SSRN Working Paper No. URL:

English: Ivanov, S. (2005). Effectiveness of Tourism in Generating Jobs and Incomes in Bulgaria. In Neshkov et al. (Eds.) Bulgarian tourism – management and effectiveness. Varna: Slavena, pp. 94-111.

  1. Иванов, Ст. (2005) Туристически ресурси на дестинация България. в “Маркетингова стратегия за препозициониране на дестинация България”, монографично изследване на авторски колектив, издателство “Наука и икономика”, Икономически Университет – Варна, 2005 г., стр.93-104, ISBN 954-21-0234-8. SSRN Working Paper No. URL:

English: Ivanov, S. (2005). Tourist resources of destination Bulgaria. In Rakadzhiyska et al. (Eds). Marketing strategy for repositioning of destination Bulgaria. University of Economics-Varna, pp. 93-104.

  1. Иванов, Ст. (2005) Последствия от развитието на туристическата индустрия. в “Маркетингова стратегия за препозициониране на дестинация България”, монографично изследване на авторски колектив, издателство “Наука и икономика”, Икономически Университет – Варна, 2005 г., стр. 132-138, ISBN 954-21-0234-8. SSRN Working Paper No. 1413107. URL:

English: Ivanov, S. (2005). Impacts of tourism industry development. In Rakadzhiyska et al. (Eds). Marketing strategy for repositioning of destination Bulgaria. University of Economics-Varna, pp. 132-138.


Journal articles:

  1. Webster, C., Ivanov, S., Gavrilina, M., Idzhylova, E. and Sypchenko, L. (2017). Hotel Industry’s Reactions to the Crimea Crisis. e-Review of Tourism Research (accepted) SSRN URL:.
  1. Ivanov, S., & Achikgezyan, V. (2017). Attitudes towards communist heritage tourism in Bulgaria. International Journal of Tourism Cities, 3(3), 273-290. SSRN URL:
  1. Ivanov, S. (2017). Robonomics – principles, benefits, challenges, solutions. Yearbook of Varna University of Management, 10, 283-293. SSRN URL:
  1. Ivanov, S. & Ayas, Ç. (2017). Investigation of the revenue management practices of accommodation establishments in Turkey: An exploratory study. Tourism Management Perspectives 22, 137-149. SSRN URL:
  1. Duglio, S., Ivanov, S., Magliano, F., Ivanova, M. (2017). Motivation, costs and benefits of the adoption of the European Ecolabel in the tourism sector: An exploratory study of Italian accommodation establishments. Izvestiya Journal of University of Economics-Varna, 61(1), 83-95. SSRN URL:
  1. Ivanov, S. (2017). Report on the Second Revenue Management Education RevME Workshop, 16-17 December 2016, Orlando, Florida, USA. Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management, 16(2), 233-235. SSRN URL: doi: 10.1057/s41272-017-0083-3
  1. Иванов, С. и Охридска-Олсон, Р. (2017) Включването на паметниците на социализма в туристическото предлагане – политическа пропаганда или икономически рационализъм? Семинар БГ, 15. URL: SSRN URL:

English: Ivanov, S and Ohridska-Olson. R. (2017) Inclusion of socialist monuments in tourism supply – political propaganda or economic rationality? Seminar BG, 15. URL: SSRN URL:

  1. Ivanov, S., Ivanova, M. (2017). Determinants of hotel chains’ market presence in a destination – a global study. Tourism, 65(1), 7-32. SSRN URL:
  1. Ivanov, S., Gavrilina, M., Webster, C., & Ralko, V. (2017). Impacts of political instability on the tourism industry in Ukraine. Journal of Policy Research in Tourism, Leisure and Events 9(1), 100-127. SSRN URL:
  1. Ivanov, S., Sypchenko, L. and Webster, C. (2017) International sanctions and Russia’s hotel industry: the impact on business and coping mechanisms of hoteliers. Tourism Planning & Development 14(3), 430-441. SSRN URL:
  1. Shahbaz, , Kumar, R. R., Ivanov, S. and Loganathan, N. (2017). The nexus between tourism demand and output per capita with relative importance of trade openness and financial development: A study of Malaysia. Tourism Economics 23(1), 168-186. SSRN URL:
  1. Ivanov, S., & Piddubna, K. (2016). Analysis of prices of accommodation establishments in Kiev: determinants, dynamics and parity. International Journal of Revenue Management 9(4), 221-251. SSRN URL:
  1. Ivanov, S., & Ivanova, M. (2016). Do hotel chains stimulate globalisation? Tourism Management Perspectives, 19, 102-108. SSRN URL:
  1. Ivanov, S., & Ivanova, M. (2016). Do hotel chains improve destination’s competitiveness? Tourism Management Perspectives, 19, 74-79. SSRN URL:
  1. Webster, C., & Ivanov, S. (2016). The ideologies of national security and tourist visa restrictions. International Journal of Tourism Policy 6(3-4), 171-190. SSRN URL:
  1. Ivanov, S., & Ivanova, M. (2016). Market penetration of hotel chains: does culture matter? Annals of Tourism Research, 57, 259-264. SSRN URL:
  1. Ivanov, S., Idzhilova, K., & Webster, C. (2016). Impacts of the entry of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea into the Russian Federation on its tourism industry: An exploratory study. Tourism Management, 54, 162-169. SSRN URL:
  1. Ivanov, S. (2016). Will robots substitute teachers? Yearbook of Varna University of Management, Vol. 9, pp. 42-47. SSRN URL:
  1. Webster, C. & Ivanov, S. (2016). Political ideologies as shapers of future tourism development. Journal of Tourism Futures 2(2), 109-124. SSRN URL:
  1. Tavares, J. M., Ivanov, S., Neves, O. F. (2016). Determinant of tourists’ spending during tours: the case of repeat vs. first-time visitors to State Minas Gerais, Brazil. Tourism Planning and Development, 13(1), 23-36. SSRN URL:
  1. Ivanova, M., Ivanov, S. (2015). Affiliation to hotel chains: hotels’ perspective. Tourism Management Perspectives, 16, 148-162. SSRN URL:
  1. Ivanov, S., Stoilova, E., Illum, S. F. (2015) Conflicts between accommodation establishments and travel agencies. Tourism and Hospitality Research 15(1), 54-70. SSRN URL: 
  1. Ivanov, S. (2015) Optimal overbooking limits for a hotel with three room types and with upgrade and downgrade constraints. Tourism Economics 21(1), 223-240. SSRN URL: 
  1. Ivanova, M., Ivanov, S. (2015). The nature of hotel chains: An integrative framework. International Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Administration, 16(2), 122-142. SSRN URL: 
  1. Webster, C., Ivanov, S. (2015). Geopolitical drivers of future tourist flows. Journal of Tourism Futures, 1(1), 58-68. SSRN URL:
  1. Ivanova, M., Ivanov, S. (2015). Affiliation to hotel chains: Requirements towards hotels in Bulgaria. Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management 24(6), 601-608. SSRN URL: 
  1. Sobolchi, A. and Ivanov, S. (2015) Developing a family friendly tourist destination: the case of Byala, Bulgaria. Tourism Today 15, 139-145. SSRN URL:
  1. Ivanov, S., Ivanova, M., Iankova, K. (2014). Sustainable tourism practices of accommodation establishments in Bulgaria: an exploratory study. Tourismos 9(2), 175-205. SSRN URL:
  1. Webster, C., Ivanov, S. (2014). Transforming competitiveness into economic benefits: Does tourism stimulate economic growth in more competitive destinations? Tourism Management, 40, 137-140. SSRN URL:
  1. Stanislavov, I., Ivanov, S. (2014). The role of leadership for shaping organizational culture and building employee engagement in the Bulgarian gaming industry. Tourism, 62(1), 19-40. SSRN URL:
  1. Ivanova, M., Ivanov, S. (2014). Hotel chains’ entry mode in Bulgaria. Anatolia 25(1), 131-135. SSRN URL:
  1. Poria, Y., Ivanov, S., & Webster, C. (2014). Attitudes and Willingness to Donate towards Heritage Restoration: An Exploratory Study about Bulgarian Socialist Monuments. Journal of Heritage Tourism, 9(1), 68-74. SSRN URL:
  1. Tashlai, I, Ivanov, S. (2014). Educational tourism – the case of Eastern European students: driving forces, consequences, and effects on the tourism industry. Tourism Today 14, 37-54. SSRN URL:
  1. Ivanov, S., Webster, C. (2013). Globalisation as a driver of destination competitiveness. Annals of Tourism Research, 43, 628-633. SSRN URL:
  1. Ivanov, S. & Webster, C. (2013) Tourism’s impact on growth: the role of globalisation. Annals of Tourism Research, 41, 231–236. SSRN URL:
  1. Ivanov, S., C. Webster (2013) Tourism’s contribution to economic growth: A global analysis for the first decade of the millennium. Tourism Economics 19(3), 477-508. Available at SSRN:
  1. Иванова, М., Иванов, С., Янкова, К. (2013). Българските хотели по пътя на устойчивото развитие. THExperts, 6, 28-31. SSRN URL:

English: Ivanova, M., Ivanov, S., Iankova, K. (2013). Bulgarian hotels on the road to sustainability. THExperts, 6, 28-31.

  1. Korstanje, M. E. and Ivanov, S. (2012) Tourism as a form of new psychological resilience: the inception of dark tourism. Cultur – Revista de Cultura e Turismo, 6(4), pp. 56-71. SSRN URL:
  1. Иванов, Ст. (2012) Повишаване на видимостта на научните списания. Стратегии на образователната и научната политика 20(1), стр. 8-17. SSRN Working Paper No. 1955812. URL:

English: Ivanov, S. (2012). Increasing the visibility of academic journals. Strategies for Policy in Science and Education 20(1), pp. 8-17

  1. Dimitrova, M., S. Ivanov (2012) Entrepreneurship education in tourism from the students’ graduation project perspective: The case of International University College, Bulgaria. Yearbook of International University College, Volume 5 Issue 1, ISSN 1312-6539, pp. 120-127. Available at SSRN:
  1. Ivanov, S., V. Zhechev (2012) Hotel revenue management – a critical literature review. Tourism, 60(2), pp. 175-197. Earlier version available at SSRN:
  1. Zhechev, V., S. Ivanov (2011) Managing the institutional change in International University College (Bulgaria). A case study. International Journal of Professional Management, Volume 5, Issue 5, October 2011, ISSN 20422341. Online. URL: Available at SSRN:
  1. Zhechev, V., S. Ivanov (2011) Critical review and practical application of change management: the case of a higher education institution. International Journal of Professional Management, Volume 5, Issue 4, October 2011, ISSN 20422341. Online. URL: Available at SSRN:
  1. Ivanov, S., M. Dimitrova (2011) Analysis of college students’ graduation projects. Įžvalgos / Insights, 4(5), pp. 31-38. Available at SSRN:
  1. Dimitrova, M., S. Ivanov (2011) Students’ involvement in live business projects – opportunities and challenges. Įžvalgos / Insights, 4(5), pp. 26-30. Available at SSRN:
  1. Ivanov, S., S. Illum, Y. Liang (2010) Application of destination brand molecule on destination image and brand perception: An exploratory study. Tourism 58(4), pp. 339-360. Earlier version available in SSRN at:
  1. Slantcheva-Durst, S., S. Ivanov (2010) Tertiary Short-Cycle Education in Bulgaria: In Search of Identity. Community College Review 38(2), 196-209. SSRN URL:
  1. Ivanov, S., C. Webster (2010) Decomposition of economic growth in Bulgaria by industry. Journal of Economic Studies 37(2), pp. 219-227. SSRN Working Paper No. 1298089. Available online at:
  1. Illum, S. F., S. Ivanov, Y. Liang (2010) Using virtual communities in tourism research. Tourism Management 31(3), pp. 335-340. Abstract available at:
  1. Ivanov, S. (2009) Opportunities for developing communist heritage tourism in Bulgaria. Tourism 57(2), pp. 177-192. SSRN Working Paper No. 1339564. Available at SSRN:
  1. Ivanov, S. (2008) Ego tourism. Yearbook 2008, International University College, ISSN 1312-6539, pp.140-143. SSRN Working Paper No. 1537828. Available at SSRN:
  1. Ivanov, S. (2008) Conceptual marketing framework for online hotel reservation system design. Tourism Today, Vol. 8/2008, pp. 7-32. Available online at: SSRN Working Paper No. 1296040. Available online at:
  1. Webster, C., S. Ivanov (2008) Power Politics and Integration into Western Institutions: The Placement of Embassies for Romania and Bulgaria. Journal of Southern Europe and the Balkans, 10(1), pp. 1-14. Available online at: Abstract available at SSRN:
  1. S. (2007) Conceptualizing cannibalisation: the case of tourist companies. Yearbook 2007, International University College, ISSN 1312-6539, pp. 20-36. Available online at:
  1. Ivanov, S. (2007) Dynamic overbooking limits for guaranteed and nonguaranteed hotel reservations. Tourism Today, Vol. 7/2007, pp. 100-108. Available online at: Abstract available online at:
  1. Ivanov, S. (2007) Quality as a competitive advantage of travel agents. Yearbook 2007, International University College, ISSN 1312-6539, pp. 150-156. Available online at:

79.           Webster, C., S. Ivanov (2007) National Tourism Organizations: Measuring the results of promotion abroad. Tourism, 55(1), pp. 65-80. Available online at: Abstract available at SSRN:

  1. Webster, C., S. Ivanov (2007) Placement of Romanian and Bulgarian Embassies: EU Aspirations and Communist Legacy. South-Eastern Europe Journal of Economics, 5(1), pp. 77-94. Available online at: Abstract available at SSRN:
  1. Ivanov, S., C. Webster (2007) Measuring the impact of tourism on economic growth. Tourism Economics, 13 (3), pp. 379–388. Available online at: Abstract available at SSRN:
  1. Ivanov, S. (2006) Management of overbookings in the hotel industry – basic concepts and practical challenges. Tourism Today, Vol. 6/2006, pp. 19-32. Available online at: Abstract available online at:
  1. Иванов, Ст. (2006) Канибализмът като икономическа категория. Годишник на Международен Колеж – Албена, гр. Добрич, Том 3, стр. 227-230, ISSN 1312-6539. SSRN URL:

English: Ivanov, S. (2006). Cannibalism as an economic category. Yearbook of International University College, 3, pp. 227-230.

  1. Иванов, Ст. (2006) Управление на дублираните резервации в хотелиерството. Годишник на Международен Колеж – Албена, гр. Добрич, Том 3, стр. 56-60, ISSN 1312-6539. SSRN URL:

English: Ivanov, S. (2006). Management of hotel overbookings. Yearbook of International University College, 3, pp. 56-60.

  1. Иванов, Ст. (2005) Проблеми при измерване на въздействието на туризма върху изтичането на национален доход. Годишник на Международен Колеж – Албена, гр. Добрич, стр. 176-182, ISSN 1312-6539. SSRN Working Paper No. 1413046. URL:

English: Ivanov, S. (2005). Problems in the Measurement of Tourism Impact on the Leakage of National Income. Yearbook of International University College, 2, pp. 176-182

  1. Иванов, Ст. (2005) Вторични разходи и пропуснати ползи от туризма. Годишник на Международен Колеж – Албена, гр. Добрич, стр. 132-137, ISSN 1312-6539. SSRN Working Paper No. 1413062. URL:

English: Ivanov, S. (2005) Secondary costs and missed benefits of tourism. Yearbook of International University College, 2, pp. 132-137

  1. Иванов, Ст. (2005) Възможности на Сателитната сметка на туризма за измерване на макроикономическите въздействия на туризма. Годишник на Икономически Университет – Варна, студия, 2005 г., стр. 481-519, ISSN 0861-6752. SSRN Working Paper No. 1413057. URL:

English: Ivanov, S. (2005). Capabilities of the Tourism Satellite account for measuring the macroeconomic impacts of tourism. Yearbook of University of Economics-Varna, pp. 481-519.

  1. Иванов, Ст. (2003) Ненаблюдавана икономика в туризма. статия в сп. Известия на Икономически Университет – Варна, кн. 4, 2003 г., стр. 79-88, ISNN 1310-0343. SSRN Working Paper No. 1413052. URL:

English: Ivanov, S. (2003). Non-observed economy in tourism. Izvestia: the Journal of the University of Economics, 2003(4), 79-88.

  1. Славова, Г., Ст. Иванов (2002) Векторен анализ на стратегическото управление (на примера на аграрни и туристически фирми). сп. Известия на Икономически Университет-Варна, №1/2002, стр. 92-103, ISNN 1310-0343. SSRN URL:

English: Slavova, G., Ivanov, S. (2002). Vector analysis of strategic management (the case of agricultural and tourist companies). Izvestia – The Journal of the University of Economics-Varna, 2002 (1), pp. 92-103.

  1. Иванов, Ст. (2001) Ролята на математиката и статистиката в изучаването на туризма. сп. Икономическа мисъл, №5/2001, стр.56, ISSN 0013-2993

English: Ivanov, S. (2001). Role of mathematics and statistics in tourism research. Economic Thought, 2001(5), 56.


Conference reports:

  1. Ivanov, S., & Webster, C. (2017). Designing robot-friendly hospitality facilities. Proceedings of the Scientific Conference “Tourism. Innovations. Strategies”, 13-14 October 2017, Bourgas, Bulgaria, pp. 74-81. SSRN URL:
  1. Ivanov, S., & Webster, C. (2017). Adoption of robots, artificial intelligence and service automation by travel, tourism and hospitality companies – a cost-benefit analysis. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference “Contemporary Tourism – Traditions and Innovations”, 19-20 October 2017, Sofia, Bulgaria, pp. XXX-XXX. SSRN URL:
  1. Ivanov, S., & Webster, C. (2017). The robot as a consumer: a research agenda. Proceedings of the “Marketing: experience and perspectives” Conference, 29-30 June 2017, University of Economics-Varna, Bulgaria, pp. 71-79. SSRN URL:
  1. Ivanov, S., Webster, C. & Berezina, K. (2017). Adoption of robots and service automation by tourism and hospitality companies. Paper presented at the INVTUR Conference, 17-19 May 2017, Aveiro, Portugal. SSRN URL:
  1. Ivanov, S., & Ivanova, M. (2017). Location of hotel groups’ headquarters. Paper presented at the INVTUR Conference, 17-19 May 2017, Aveiro, Portugal. SSRN URL:
  1. Duglio, S., Ivanov, S., Magliano, F., Ivanova, M. (2016). Motivations, costs and benefits in the adoption of the European Ecolabel in the tourist sector. A survey of the Italian accommodation establishments. Proceedings of the 20th IGWT Symposium ‘Commodity science in a changing world’, 12-16 September 2016, University of Economics – Varna, Bulgaria, pp. 382-388.
  1. Webster, C., Ivanov, S., Gavrilina, M., Idzhylova, E., and Sypchenko, L. (2016) Political Shocks and Business Reactions to a Changed Business Environment: the Hotel Industry’s Reactions to the Crimea Crisis in Crimea, Ukraine, and Russia. Paper presented at the Indiana Political Sciences Association 2016 Conference, 25th March 2016, Ball State University.
  1. Ivanov, S., & Çağakan Ayas (2015). Investigation of the revenue management practices of accommodation establishments in Turkey: An exploratory study. Paper presented at the First REMAPS Revenue Management and Pricing in Services conference, 17-18 December 2015, Paris. SSRN URL:
  1. Webster, C. & Ivanov, S. (2015). Political ideologies as shapers of future tourism development. Proceedings of the International Conference on Tourism (ICOT2015) “From Tourism Policy into Practice: Issues and Challenges in Engaging Policy Makers and End Users”, 24th-26th June 2015, Middlesex University, London, UK.
  1. Ivanova, M., Ivanov, S., & Yanev, H. (2015). Distribution channels of eco and rural guest houses – from fiction to reality. Proceedings of the “Eco- and Rural Tourism – Challenges and Perspectives” Conference, Bourgas, 18-19 June 2015, pp. 162-174.
  1. Ilieva, D. & Ivanov, S. (2014). Analysis of online hotel ratings: the case of Bansko, Bulgaria. Proceedings of the Scientific conference “Problems of tourism, agriculture and education”, dedicated to 145th anniversary of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Regional Academic Centre-Dobrich, 24-25 September 2014, pp. 6-16. SSRN URL:
  1. Ivanov, S., & Ivanova, M. (2013). Mass ecotourism vs. Eco mass tourism. Proceedings of the Sixth Black Sea Tourism Forum, 02nd-04th October, 2013, Varna, Bulgaria, pp. 78-90. SSRN URL:
  1. Иванов, Ст. (2013) Ценовата дискриминация като инструмент за управление на приходите в хотела – от теория към практика. Сборник доклади от научна конференция „Знанието – традиции, иновации, перспективи“, 14-15 май 2013, Бургаски Свободен Университет, Бургас, Том III, стр. 380-385. URL SSRN:

English: Ivanov, S. (2013). Price Discrimination as a Hotel Revenue Management Tool – From Theory to Practice. Proceedings of the „Knowledge – traditions, innovations, perspectives“ scientific conference, Bourgas Free University, 14-15 June 2013, Bourgas, Bulgaria, Volume III, pp. 380-385

  1. Webster, C., Ivanov, S. (2013). Characterizing the Policies and Programs of National Tourism Organizations: Liberal, Mercantilist, and Social Democratic Approaches to Tourism Development and Management. Paper presented at the International Conference on Tourism (ICOT2013) “Trends, Impacts and Policies on Sustainable Tourism Development”, Limassol, Cyprus 5-8 June 2013. SSRN URL:
  1. Ivanov, S., Ivanova, M. & Iankova, K. (2012). Sustainable tourism practices – mountain vs. non-mountain accommodation establishments in Bulgaria. Paper presented at the International Conference “Changing Paradigms in Sustainable Mountain Tourism Research: Problems and Perspectives”, Forum Brixen/Bressanone, Italy, 25th–28th October 2012. Available in SSRN at URL:
  1. Webster, C., S. Ivanov (2011) The future and the political economy of tourism in the future: what should we prepare for? Proceedings of the International Conference on Tourism ICOT “Tourism in an era of uncertainty”, Rhodes, 27-30 April 2011, pp. 692-696. SSRN URL:
  1. Webster, C., S. Ivanov, J. Leigh (2011) Tourism after the Fall of the American Empire: Globalization, Protectionism, and Resource Depletion. Paper presented at the European Tourism Futures Institute International Conference: Tourism Futures, 2nd – 5th of November 2011, Stenden University, Leeuwarden, Netherlands. Available at SSRN:
  1. Ivanov, S., C. Webster (2011) Marketing the Bulgarian Tourism Product—the Economic Geography of Long-term and Short-term Investments. In Slomka, T. (ed). Geotourism: A variety of aspects. Proceedings of the GEOTOUR 2008 Conference, 26-28 June 2008, Krakow, Poland, pp. 85-96. Earlier version available online at SSRN:
  1. Ivanov, S., M. Ivanova (2011). Triple bottom line analysis of potential sport tourism impacts on local communities – a review. Proceedings of the Black Sea Tourism Forum “Sport tourism – Possibilities to extend the tourist season”, 29-30.09.2011, Varna, Bulgaria, pp. 168-177. Available at SSRN:
  1. Ivanov, S., M. Dimitrova, M. Ivanova (2010) Teaching entrepreneurship in tourism and hospitality undergraduate programmes. Proceedings of the Conference on Entrepreneurship “Management of Innovations”, 03-05.07.2010, Varna, Bulgaria, pp. 77-87. Available in SSRN at: 
  1. Ohridska-Olson, R., S. Ivanov (2010) Creative tourism Business Model and its application in Bulgaria. Proceedings of the Black Sea Tourism Forum “Cultural Tourism – the Future of Bulgaria”, 23-25.09.2010, Varna, Bulgaria, pp. 23-39. Available in SSRN at:
  1. Ivanov, S. (2010) German students’ perceptions of Bulgaria as a tourist destination – A molecular approach to destination image assessment. Proceedings of the “Development alternatives for contemporary tourism” conference, University of Economics – Varna, 24th-25th June 2010, pp. 137-146. Available at SSRN:
  1. Webster, C., S. Ivanov, S. F. Illum (2009) NTOs and State Policy: the Paradigms of Political Economy and Institutional Responses to Tourism in Times of Economic Crisis. Proceedings of the International Conference on Tourism Development and Management, Kos Island, Greece 11-14 September 2009, pp. 497-500. Available at SSRN:
  1. Webster, C., S. Ivanov, S. F. Illum (2009) Political Economy and Tourism Policy: National Tourism Organisations and State Policy. Proceedings of the “Tourism amidst a Global Crisis” Conference, Nicosia, Cyprus, 23rd March 2009. SSRN Working Paper No. 1372037. Available online at:
  1. Webster, C., S. Ivanov (2006) Measuring the impact of promotion: the effects of Croatian, Czech, and Slovak state promotion of tourism abroad. Proceedings of GEOTOUR 2006 Conference, 7-8 October 2006, Kosice, Slovakia, pp. 81-94. Available online at:,%20Ivanov%2015.pdf. SSRN Working Paper No. URL:
  1. Ivanov, S., C. Webster (2006) Measuring the impact of tourism on economic growth. Proceedings of GEOTOUR 2006 Conference, 7-8 October 2006, Kosice, Slovakia, pp. 21-30. Available online at:,Webster%204.pdf. SSRN Working Paper No. URL:
  1. Иванов, Ст. (2005) Маркетингови решения при изграждане на онлайн хотелски резервационни системи. Сборник с доклади от научна конференция “Туристическата наука и предизвикателствата на ХХІ век”, Варна, 3-4 ноември 2005, издателство “Наука и икономика”, Икономически Университет – Варна, стр. 247-252, ISBN 954-21-0242-9. SSRN Working Paper No. URL:

English: Ivanov, S. (2005). Marketing decisions in online hotel reservation system design. Proceedings of the “Tourism science and challenges of 21st century” conference, University of Economics-Varna, pp. 247-252.

  1. Иванов, Ст. (2004) Измерване влиянието на туризма върху икономическия растеж в България. Сборник доклади от научна конференция Шкорпиловци 2004 г., Университетско издателство на Икономически Университет – Варна, стр. 9-15. SSRN Working Paper No. 1413105. URL:

English: Ivanov, S. (2004). Measuring the impact of tourism on economic growth in Bulgaria. Proceedings of the Shorpilovtsi’2004 conference, University of Economics-Varna, pp. 9-15.

  1. Иванов, Ст. (2002) Online хотелски резервационни системи. Сборник с доклади от Юбилейна научна конференция “Туризмът през ХХІ век”, Софийски Университет “Св. Климент Охридски”, София, 2002 г., стр. 248-254.

English: Ivanov, S. (2002). Online hotel reservation systems. Proceedings of the “Tourism in 21st century” conference, Sofia University, pp. 248-254.

  1. Иванов, Ст. (2002) Директива 95/57 на Европейския съюз за събиране на статистическа информация в областта на туризма. Сборник доклади от научна конфе­ренция на тема “Евроинтеграция и развитие на българската икономика”, Университетско издателство на Икономически Университет – Варна, 2002 г., стр.67-73, ISBN 954-21-0166-X. SSRN Working Paper No. 1413025. URL:

English: Ivanov, S. (2002). Analysis of Council Directive 95/57 on the Collection of Statistical Information in the Field of Tourism. Proceedings of the “Eurointegration and development of Bulgarian economy”, University of Economics-Varna, Bulgaria, pp. 67-73.


Участия в научни конференции

Participation in research conferences

  1. 13th International Conference “Contemporary science, business and education”, 03-04 July 2017, Varna University of Management, Bulgaria.
  1. “Marketing: experience and perspectives” Conference, 29-30 June 2017, University of Economics-Varna, Bulgaria
  1. IVth INVTUR Conference, 17-19 May 2017, University of Aveiro, Portugal
  1. Second RevME Revenue Management Education Workshop, 16-17 December 2016, Orlando, FL, USA.
  1. Management, Leadership and Innovation towards a Better Changing World, 10-11 November 2016, Romanian-American University, Bucharest, Romania
  1. 20th IGWT Symposium ‘Commodity science in a changing world’, 12-16 September 2016, University of Economics – Varna, Bulgaria.
  1. 12th International Conference “Contemporary science, business and education”, 27-29 June 2016, Varna University of Management, Bulgaria.
  1. Indiana Political Sciences Association 2016 Conference, 25th March 2016, Ball State University, Muncie, Indiana, USA.
  1. First REMAPS Revenue Management and Pricing in Services conference, 17-18 December 2015, Paris.
  1. International Conference on Tourism (ICOT2015) “From Tourism Policy into Practice: Issues and Challenges in Engaging Policy Makers and End Users”, 24th-26th June 2015, Middlesex University, London, UK
  1. Екологичен и селски туризъм – предизвикателства и перспективи. Международна научна конференция, организирана по случай 20-та годишнина от учредяването на Бургаската асоциация за екологичен и селски туризъм, 18-19 юни, Бургас.

English: “Eco- and Rural Tourism – Challenges and Perspectives” Conference, 18-19 June 2015, Bourgas, Bulgaria.

  1. Проблеми на туризма, земеделието и образованието. Научна конференция, посветена на 145-та годишнина на Българската академия на науките, Регионален академичен център – Добрич, 24-25 септември 2014. 

English: “Problems of tourism, agriculture and education” conference, dedicated to 145th anniversary of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Regional Academic Centre-Dobrich, 24-25 September 2014

  1. Черноморски туристически форум – Варна 2013: „Екотуризмът – нашето зелено бъдеще”, 02-04.10.2013, Варна

English: Black Sea Tourism Forum “Ecotourism – our green future”, 02-04.10.2013, Varna, Bulgaria

  1. International Conference “Management, Leadership and Innovation towards a Better Changing World”, 8th-9th November 2013, Bucharest, Romania
  1. International Conference on Tourism (ICOT2013) “Trends, Impacts and Policies on Sustainable Tourism Development”, Limassol, Cyprus 5-8 June 2013
  1. International Conference on Tourism Economics IATE 2013, 1-4th July, Ljubljana, Slovenia
  1. Научна конференция „Знанието – традиции, иновации, перспективи“, 14-15 май 2013, Бургаски Свободен Университет, Бургас.

English: „Knowledge – traditions, innovations, perspectives“ scientific conference, Bourgas Free University, 14-15 June 2013, Bourgas, Bulgaria

  1. International Conference “Changing Paradigms in Sustainable Mountain Tourism Research: Problems and Perspectives”, Forum Brixen/Bressanone, Italy, 25th–28th October 2012
  1. VIII международна научна конференция и сесия на младите изследователи “Предприемачество и образование”, 18-22 юни 2012, Добрич, Висше училище “Международен колеж” – Албена, гр. Добрич.

English: 7th International conference “Entrepreneurship and education”, International University College, Dobrich, 18th-22nd June 2012

  1. European Tourism Futures Institute International Conference: Tourism Futures, 2nd – 5th of November 2011, Stenden University, Leeuwarden, Netherlands 
  1. Черноморски туристически форум – Варна 2011: „Спортният туризъм – Възможности за удължаване на туристическия сезон”, 29-30.09.2011, Варна

English: Black Sea Tourism Forum “Sport tourism – Possibilities to extend the tourist season”, 29-30.09.2011, Varna, Bulgaria

  1. International conference “Development and implementation of the system of tailored applied research”, Alytus, Lithuania, 22nd September 2011
  1. International conference “Linking business and education for successful business education”, 2nd-3rd June 2011, International University College, Dobrich, Bulgaria
  1. International Conference on Tourism ICOT “Tourism in an era of uncertainty”, Rhodes, 27-30 April 2011
  1. “Salon de Wysvert” scientific conference on service research, Stenden University, Leeuwarden, The Netherlands, 03-04th March 2011
  1. International Cospitality and Tourism Research Conference, 24-25th November 2010, Sörenberg/Lüzern, Switzerland
  1. Черноморски туристически форум – Варна 2010: „Културният туризъм – бъдещето на България”, 23-25.09.2010, Варна

English: Black Sea Tourism Forum “Cultural Tourism – the Future of Bulgaria”, 23-25.09.2010, Varna, Bulgaria

  1. Младежка научно-практическа конференция по предприемачество “Мениджмънт на иновациите”, Варна, 03-05.07.2010

English: Conference on Entrepreneurship “Management of Innovations”, 03-05.07.2010, Varna, Bulgaria

  1. Алтернативи за развитието на съвремения туризъм, Икономически университет – Варна, 25.06.2010

English: “Development alternatives for contemporary tourism” conference, University of Economics – Varna, 24th-25th June 2010

  1. International Conference on Tourism Development and Management Tourism in a Changing World: Prospects and Challenges, Kos, Greece, 11-14 September 2009
  1. Tourism amidst a Global Crisis Conference, Nicosia, Cyprus, 23rd March 2009
  1. Séminaire développement durable des stations de montagne, Cemagref, Grenoble, France, 17.03.2009

English: Conference on sustainable development of mountain resorts, Cemagref, Grenoble, France, 17th March 2009.

  1. ІV-та международна конференция на тема “Ролята на образованието в усъвършенстването на човешките ресурси в ЕС. Икономика и туризъм”, Висше училище Международен колеж – Албена, Добрич, 20-21.11.2008

English: 4th International conference “Role of education for improving human resources in EU. Economics and tourism”, International University College, Dobrich, 20th-21st November 2008.

  1. Island Tourism: Destination Image, Competitiveness and other topics, Workshop on Tourism Economics 2008, Universidade dos Açores, Portugal, 14th November 2008
  1. GEOTOUR 2008 Conference, 26-28 June 2008, Krakow, Poland
  1. “Salon de Wysvert” scientific conference on service research, Stenden University, Leeuwarden, The Netherlands, 07 March 2008
  1. Научно-приложна конференция на младите изследователи, Международен колеж – Албена, Добрич, 30.03.2007

English: Scientific conference of young researchers, International University College, Dobrich, 30th March 2007.

  1. Международна научна конференция по проблемите на качеството, Висше училище Международен колеж – Албена, Добрич, 29-30.03.2007

English: International conference on quality research, International University College, Dobrich, 29th-30th March 2007

  1. GEOTOUR 2006 Conference, 7-8 October 2006, Kosice, Slovakia
  1. Научно-приложна конференция на младите изследователи, Международен колеж – Албена, Добрич, 27.04.2006

English: Scientific conference of young researchers, International University College, Dobrich, 27th April 2006.

  1. Международна научна конференция “Образование и бизнес – европейски практики”, Международен колеж – Албена, Добрич, 24-25.11.2005

English: International conference “Education and business – European practices”, International University College, Dobrich, 24th-25th November 2005

  1. Международна научна конференция “Бизнесът и образователните технологии: днес и утре”, Международен колеж – Албена, Добрич, 15-16.05.2005 

English: International conference “Business and educational technologies: today and tomorrow”, International University College, Dobrich, 15th-16th May 2005

  1. Научна конференция “Туристическата наука и предизвикателствата на ХХІ век”, Икономически Университет – Варна, 3-4 ноември 2005

English: “Tourism science and challenges of 21st century” conference, University of Economics-Varna, 3rd-4th November 2005

  1. Научна конференция Шкорпиловци 2004 г., Икономически Университет – Варна, 04.06.2004

English: Shkorpilovtsi’2004 conference, University of Economics-Varna, 4th June 2004.

  1. Юбилейна научна конференция “Туризмът през ХХІ век”, Софийски Университет “Св. Климент Охридски”, София, 29.11.2002

English: “Tourism in 21st century” conference, Sofia University, 29th November 2002

  1. Научна конфе­ренция на тема “Евроинтеграция и развитие на българската икономика”, Икономически Университет – Варна, 07.06.2002

English: “Eurointegration and development of Bulgarian economy”, University of Economics-Varna, 7th June 2002, Bulgaria

Участия в редакционния съвет на научни конференции

Participation in the scientific committee of conferences 

  1. ‘The visitor economy: strategies and innovations’ conference, 4-6 September 2017, Bournemouth University, UK
  1. 12th International Conference “Modern science, business and education”, 27-29 June 2016, Varna University of Management, Bulgaria.
  1. Проблеми на туризма, земеделието и образованието. Научна конференция, посветена на 145-та годишнина на Българската академия на науките, Регионален академичен център – Добрич, 24-25 септември 2014. 

English: “Problems of tourism, agriculture and education” conference, dedicated to 145th anniversary of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Regional Academic Centre-Dobrich, 24-25 September 2014

  1. 4th Advances in Hospitality & Tourism Marketing and Management (AHTMM), 25-27 June 2014, Mauritius, Organized jointly by Faculty of Law and Management, University of Mauritius, Mauritius and School of Hospitality Business Management, Washington State University, USA
  1. International Conference “Management, Leadership and Innovation towards a Better Changing World”, 8th-9th November 2013, Bucharest, Romania
  1. 5th APacCHRIE Youth Conference 2014, “MAKAN – MAKAN”: Motivation –Action – Knowledge – Achievement – No Boundaries, 221-24 May 2014, Taylor’s University Lakeside Campus, Subang Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia
  1. 12TH ASIA PACIFIC CHRIE (APacCHRIE) CONFERENCE 2014 ‘Breaking Barriers Shifting Gears’, 21-24 May 2014, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  1. Campus Encounters 13 – Research and learning methods in sales and service development, 21-22 March 2013, HAAGA-Helia University of Applied Sciences, Helsinki, Finland
  1. 4th Asia-Euro Tourism, Hospitality and Gastronomy Conference, Transitioning from Exigency to Elevation: Itineraries for Tourism, Hospitality and Gastronomy”, 28.11-01.12.2012, Taylor’s University, Lakeside Campus, Subang Jaya, Selangor Malaysia
  1. 2nd Advances in Hospitality & Tourism Marketing and Management (AHTMM) Conference, Corfu island, Greece 31st May – 3rd June 2012,
  2. International Conference INVTUR, 16-19th May 2012, University of Aveiro, Portugal
  1. 6th World Conference for Graduate Research in Tourism, Hospitality and Leisure, Fethiye, Turkey, 24 – 29 April 2012
  1. The 2011 Athens Tourism Symposium, Current Trends in Tourism Management and Tourism Policy, 02-03 February 2011, Athens, Greece
  1. 3rd Asia-Euro Tourism, Hospitality and Gastronomy Conference, 24th-26th November 2010, Taylor’s University College, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  1. 5th International Conference on European Integration – Realities and Perspectives, Danubius University of Galati, Romania, 14th-15th May 2010
  1. The 2010 Athens Tourism Symposium, Current Trends in Tourism Management and Tourism Policy, 10-11 February 2010, Athens, Greece
  1. Second Association of Hospitality Schools in Africa (AHSA) International Conference on Hospitality and Tourism Research, Mafikeng Hotel School, South Africa on 18-20 November, 2009
  1. International Conference on Seaside Tourism 2009, Klaipeda, 7-8th May 2009
  1. Fourth International Scientific Conference, University of the Aegean, Rhodes Island, Greece, 3-5 April 2009
  1. ІV-та международна конференция на тема “Ролята на образованието в усъвършенстването на човешките ресурси в ЕС. Икономика и туризъм”, Висше училище Международен колеж – Албена, Добрич, 20-21.11.2008

English: 4th International conference “Role of education for improving human resources in EU. Economics and tourism”, International University College, Dobrich, 20th-21st November 2008.

Практико-приложни разработки, курсове лекции по проекти и презентации на конференции (без писмен доклад) 

Practical reports, industry trainings, presentations on scientific conferences (without written report)

  1. Иванова, М, Иванов, Ст. (2015). Независим хотел или част от верига: как да вземем правилното решение. Презентация на Travel Academy, 22 май 2015, хотел RIU Pravets, Правец. URL:

English: Ivanova, M., Ivanov, S. (2015). Independent hotel or flagged: how to take the correct decision. Presentation at the Travel Academy, 22 May 2015, RIU hotel, Pravets. URL:

  1. Иванов, Ст. (2014). Маркетинг на хотела – какво пропускаме? Обратно към основите: Сегментиране и позициониране. Презентация на Travel Academy, 27-28 март 2014, хотел RIU Pravets, Правец. URL:

English: Ivanov, S. (2014). Hotel marketing – what do we miss? Back to basics: segmentation and positioning. Presentation at the Travel Academy, 27-28 March 2014, RIU hotel, Pravets. URL:

  1. Иванов, Ст. (2013). Как да оптимизираме приходите на хотела чрез revenue management? Презентация на Travel Academy, 12-13 април 2013, хотел Novotel, София. URL:

English: Ivanov, S. (2013). How to optimize the revenues of the hotel with revenue management? Presentation at the Travel Academy, 12-13 April 2013, hotel Novotel, Sofia. URL:

  1. Участник в екипа разработил Доклад по чл. 8, 9 и 10 от Рамкова директива за морска стратегия 2008/56/ЕО и Наредба за опазване на околната среда в морските води. Морски регион „Черно море”. Пълен текст на доклада:

English: Participant in the team who prepared the Report on Articles 8, 9 and 10 of the Framework Directive on Marine Strategy 2008/56/EU and the Ordenance for environmental protection of marine waters. Marine region “Black sea”. Full text of the report:

  1. Иванов, Ст. (2012) Електронен маркетинг в хотелиерството. Мениджърски курс лекции (8 часа) за хотелиери от Варна и Северното Черноморие в сътрудничество с Варненската Туристическа Камара, октомври 2012, Варна

English: Ivanov, S. (2012) E-marketing in hospitality. Training (8 hours) for hoteliers from Varna and North Black sea coast, in cooperation with Varna Chamber of Tourism, October 2012.

  1. Иванов, Ст. (2012) Управление на приходите в хотела (revenue management). Мениджърски курс лекции (8 часа) за хотелиери от Варна и Северното Черноморие в сътрудничество с Варненската Туристическа Камара, април 2012, Варна

English: Ivanov, S. (2012) Hotel revenue management. Training (8 hours) for hoteliers from Varna and North Black sea coast, in cooperation with Varna Chamber of Tourism, April 2012.

  1. Иванов, Ст. (2012) Маркетинг в хотелиерството. Мениджърски курс лекции (16 часа) за хотелиери от Варна и Северното Черноморие в сътрудничество с Варненската Туристическа Камара, март 2012, Варна

English: Ivanov, S. (2012) Hotel marketing. Training (16 hours) for hoteliers from Varna and North Black sea coast, in cooperation with Varna Chamber of Tourism, March 2012.

  1. Ivanov, S. (2012) Tourism and economic growth. Presentation at the University of Granada, 13th April 2012. URL:
  1. Ivanov, S. (2012) Cultural animation. Module book. Project – MIS ETC 306 Black Sea Cultural Animation Program, “Pilot model for mobilizing the common cultural characteristics for creative destination management in the Black Sea Basin”.
  1. Ivanov, S (2011) Practical steps to increase the visibility of an academic journal: A case study of the European Journal of Tourism Research. Second Science Strategy Forum, 4th October 2011, Sofia, Bulgaria. URL:
  1. Иванов, Ст. (2011) Разработване на конкурентоспособни туристически продукти. Проект “ТРАНС-ТУР-НЕТ: Създаване и маркетинг на пилотни трансгранични туристически продукти в Добруджа”, Проект No: 1-3.1-15, MIS-ETC Код 37, Договор No: 55659/19.08.2010

English: Ivanov, S. (2011) Development of competitive tourist products. Project TRANS-TOUR-NET: Development and marketing pilot transborder tourist products in Dobrudzha, Project No:1-3.1-15, MIS-ETC Code 37, Contract No. 55659/19.08.2010

  1. Dimitrova, M., S. Ivanov (2011) Students’ involvement in real business projects – challenges and opportunities. IUC’s experience. International conference “Linking business and education for successful business education”, 2nd-3rd June 2011, Internationa University College, Dobrich, Bulgaria. URL:
  1. Ivanov, S., S. Illum, Y. Liang (2011) Destination brand molecule. Presentation at the Fourth “Salon de Wysvert” scientific conference on service research, Stenden University, Leeuwarden, The Netherlands, 03-04th March 2011. URL:
  1. Ivanov, S. (2010) Communist heritage tourism. Presentation at the International Cospitality and Tourism Research Conference, 24-25th November 2010, Sörenberg/Lüzern, Switzerland. Available online at:


  1. Ivanov, S., G. Dimitrova (2010) Partnerships between higher education institutions and industry – the IUC’s experience. Presentation at the ATLANTIS conference 17-18th June 2010, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Available online at:


  1. Ivanov (2010) Study on LLL in Bulgaria and the role of the SCHE in the Bulgarian Education System. Presentation at the ATLANTIS conference 17-18th June 2010, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Available online at:


  1. Ivanov (2009) Industry perceptions towards the introduction of short cycle higher education in tourism in Bulgaria. Presentation at the ATLANTIS conference 15-16th October 2009, Owens Community College, Toledo, USA. Available online at:


  1. Ivanov, S. (2009) Promoting transborder tourism in Bulgaria and Romania. Presentation at the opening seminar on project PHARE CBC 2005, RO 2005/017-535. “Cross-border tourism by bicycle. Black Sea coastal pedestrian and bicycle trail in 2 Mai – Vama Veche – the border area line”, implemented by Limanu local council, Romania, and financed by the Cross-Border Cooperation Programme Romania-Bulgaria. URL:
  1. Ivanov, S. (2009) Possibilities for developing an Associate degree in Tourism in Bulgaria. Presentation at the Quality of higher education – problems and perspectives Conference, 15-17 June 2009, Golden Sands, Bulgaria. A Joint Project on Short-Cycle Higher Education in US and Europe: Addressing Social and Economic Needs. ATLANTIS Programme: EU-US Cooperation in Higher Education and Vocational Training.


  1. Ivanov, S. (2009) Role of tour operators for the sustainable development of mountain resorts in Bulgaria. Presentation at the seminar on the sustainable development of mountain resorts (Séminaire développement durable des stations de montagne), Cemagref, Grenoble, France, 17th March 2009. Available online at:


  1. Иванов, Ст. (2009) Маркетинг в хотелиерството. Мениджърски курс лекции (25 часа) за хотелиери от Варна и Северното Черноморие в сътрудничество с Варненската Туристическа Камара, февруари 2009, Варна

English: Ivanov, S. (2009) Hotel marketing. Training (25 hours) for hoteliers from Varna and North Black sea coast, in cooperation with Varna Chamber of Tourism, February 2009.

  1. Иванов, С., Т. Дянков (2008) Стратегия за развитие на Добруджа като трансгранична туристическа дестинация. Разработка по проект BG 2005/017-455. “Създаване на Българо-румънски център за устойчиво развитие на туризма”

English: Ivanov, S., Dyankov, R. (2008) Strategy for developing Dobrudzha as a transborder tourist destination. Project BG 2005/017-455. “Establishment of a Bulgarian-Romanian centre for sustainable development”

  1. Ivanov, S. (2008) European Journal of Tourism Research. Presentation at the, Workshop on Tourism Economics 2008 “Island Tourism: Destination Image, Competitiveness and other topics”, Universidade dos Açores, Portugal, 14th November 2008
  1. Иванов, Ст. (2008) Sustainable tourism development (Устойчиво развитие на туризма). Курс лекции (16 часа на английски език) по проект BG 2005/017-455. “Създаване на Българо-румънски център за устойчиво развитие на туризма”, Добрич, 13-15.10.2008

English: Ivanov, S. (2008) Sustainable tourism development. Industry lectures (16 hours) on project BG 2005/017-455. “Establishment of a Bulgarian-Romanian centre for sustainable development”

  1. Иванов, Ст. (2008) Екотуристически ресурси. Създаване и маркетинг на екотуристически продукт. Курс лекции (6 часа) по проект BG2005/017-455.01.02 “Устойчиво развитие и запазване на биоразнообразието”, Балчик, 08.10.2008. URL:

English: Ivanov, S. (2008) Ecotourism resources. Development and marketing of ecotourist products. Industry lectures (6 hours) on project BG2005/017-455.01.02 “Sustainable development and protection of biodiversity”, Balchik, 8th October 2008. URL:

  1. Ivanov, S. (2008) Gaming tourismAn overview of potential impacts (Хазартен туризъм: преглед на потенциалните въздействия). Presentation at the First Eastern European Gaming Summit, Sofia, InterExpo Centre, 29.09-02.10.2008. URL:
  1. Иванов, Ст. (2008) Маркетинг в хотелиерството. Мениджърски курс лекции (24 часа) за хотелиери от Варна и Северното Черноморие в сътрудничество с Варненската Туристическа Камара, януари 2008, Варна

English: Ivanov, S. (2008) Hotel marketing. Training (24 hours) for hoteliers from Varna and North Black sea coast, in cooperation with Varna Chamber of Tourism, January 2008.

  1. Иванов, Ст. (2007) Къщи за гости. Лекция по проект №316025060621 “Алтернативният туризъм – перспектива за развитие на община Суворово”, Програма на Агенцията по заетостта по заемно споразумение със Световната банка, Добрич. URL:

English: Ivanov, S. (2007) Guest houses. Lecture on project №316025060621 “Alternative tourism – a development perspective for Suvorovo municipality”, Programme of the Employment Agency on Credit Agreement with the World Bank, Dobrich. URL:

  1. Иванов, Ст. (2007) Селският туризъм – мит или възможност за българската икономика. Лекция по проект №316025060621 “Алтернативният туризъм – перспектива за развитие на община Суворово”, Програма на Агенцията по заетостта по заемно споразумение със Световната банка, Добрич. URL:

English: Ivanov, S. (2007) Rural tourism – myth or reality for Bulgarian economy. Lecture on project №316025060621 “Alternative tourism – a development perspective for Suvorovo municipality”, Programme of the Employment Agency on Credit Agreement with the World Bank, Dobrich. URL:

  1. Иванов, Ст. (2007) Маркетинг в хотелиерството. Мениджърски курс лекции (30 часа) за хотелиери от Варна и Северното Черноморие в сътрудничество с Варненската Туристическа Камара, февруари 2007, Варна

English: Ivanov, S. (2007) Hotel marketing. Training (30 hours) for hoteliers from Varna and North Black sea coast, in cooperation with Varna Chamber of Tourism, February 2007.

  1. Иванов, Ст. (2006) Селски и екотуризъм. Курс лекции (25 часа) по проект по програма PHARE №BG 2003/004-937.11.01-1.004 “Екологичният и селски туризъм – алтернатива за заетост в област Добрич и община Антоново”, Антоново, 24-26.07.2006

English: Ivanov, S. (2006) Rural and ecotourism. Industry lectures (25 hours) on project PHARE №BG 2003/004-937.11.01-1.004 “Eco- and rural tourism – employment opportunity for Dobrich region and Antonovo municipality”, Antonovo, 24-26th July 2006.


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Thursday – from 3 pm to 4 pm
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Monday – from 3 pm to 4 pm

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Wednesday – from 5 pm to 6 pm