training, научна конференция, обучение

Varna University of Management received an official invitation for training in Project Management for Sustainable Development (PM4SD) FOUNDATION TRAINING COURSE.

PM4SD is a methodology for project management that supports the principles and indicators for sustainable tourism, supporting destinations, public authorities, international organizations, NGOs and companies in the construction and implementation of their strategies, plans and activities with main focus at developing sustainable tourism.

This PM4SD Foundation training course is facilitated through the Erasmus+ project CoLeadTourism and takes place from the 31st of October – 4th of November 2016. Main partners of the project are Bulgarian Forum of Economics along with Malta University, University of Cardiff and Jlag (UK). The participation of the training is free of charge, but still participants needs to pay for the certificates – 60 Euro.

Don’t miss this unique opportunity to get your skills certified, only 15 places available.

In order to register, please press here. You should also send us your CV together with the motivation letter and the completed application form until the 18th of September 2016.

For further questions do not hesitate to get in touch with Bulgarian Forum of Economics: Kristina Zlatanova on telephone:02 95152 59 or by email:

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