Assoc. Prof. Dr. Silvena Dencheva

Teacher of specialties


Teaching disciplines in English and Bulgarian languages:

📜 Module leader in Management
📜 Module leader in Organizational behaviour
📜 Strategic management
📜 Electronic marketing
📜 People and organization
📜 Managing people and cultures




🎓 Associate professor Silvena Dencheva Yordanova, Ph.D.

🎓 Associate professor in 05.02.20 Social management since 2017 year

🎓 Ph.D. in Social management 05.02.20 since 2004 year

🎓 Chief Assistant Professor in Varna University of Management from 2010 till 2016 year

🎓 Associate Professor Monograph on”Virtual communities in tourism” published 2016 year

🎓 Monographies and researches in the areas of digital business, leadership and followership, business models in electronic commerce, creativity studies.

Google Scholar citations

Research field

Problems of e-commerce, National Economic Archive magazine, pp.38-49, 2009 (11 pages)
Developing creativity in master students (2016). Modern science and education journal (to be printed) 10 pages
Perspectives for the Development of E-Commerce, Management and Sustainable Development Magazine (2006), Conference of Young Researchers, Yundola (7 pages)


Analysis of virtual communities in tourism, submitted for print, Eco forum Journal
Followers and leadership, submitted for print, leadership in Russia conference book, 2013
System for motivation of the personnel in tourism, Annual book of VUMK, 2013
Effectiveness of Internet advertisement. 3rd Central European conference in regional science, Kosice, 2009, Book of abstract, p.91 (4 pages)
Measuring the effectiveness of the website, Management solutions for the global and local market in crisis, International Scientific Conference September 9-12, Nessebar, 2009, pp.3-6 (4 pages)
Characteristics of the Virtual Community, International Scientific Conference, IUC Yearbook, 2012, pp.282-288 (7 pages)
Factors influencing the formation of virtual communities, Eighth International Scientific Conference, IUC Yearbook, 2012, pp.267-273 (7 pages)
Virtual communities in tourism, Professionalism and professional development: theory and practice, Ukraine-Bulgaria, p.314-322, 2014 (8 pages)
Efficiency of passenger virtual communities in tourism, Journal of Cherkasy University, 2015, N 10, p. 54-59 (5 pages)
Strategy for Passenger Virtual Communities, IUC Yearbook, 2015 (10 pages)
Developing creativity in science, education and working place, Plenary report co-authored with Prof. D. Kamenova, VUM Yearbook, 2016 (22 pages)
Social media in hospitality, VUM Yearbook, 2016, (7 pages)
Creativity as a managerial competence, Management, Leadership and innovation towards a better world, 10-11 Nov.Bucharest. To be printed (8 pages)

Textbooks, teaching aids:

Fundamentals in management in tourism, a book under print, IU-Varna, 2013
Fundamentals of management, textbook. UE-Varna, 2014 in co-authorship with G. Rafailova (130 pages)


Virtual communities in tourism, monograph. (170 pages)
Optimizing virtual communities in tourism to facilitate the development of small and medium-sized enterprises, chapter from a book Optimal strategies for SMEs, Chapter 4, ISBN 9781522519492, 2016, 20 pages (to be printed)


Dobrich Campus
Wednesday – from 12 to 1 p.m.

Varna Campus
Saturday – from 12 to 1 p.m.